Saturday, April 18, 2009

Top 10 Beauty Mistakes Made By Women

If you haven't noticed any mistakes lately, take a trip to the mall. I spot the mistakes listed below, regularly.
1) Mascara
Wearing way too much mascara is one of the biggest makeup mistakes still being made. Long lashes good... clumps bad.
2) Eye Liner
Eye liner can make or break your efforts. If you are using liquid, you need lots of practice. Until you get it just right, use a pencil.
3) Eye Shadow
Have fun when you choose your colors, but at least give them a little thought before you apply them. Did you use too much, is it too bright, does it suit you at all?
4) Dashing Out of the House
Look into a mirror before you leave the house. A mirror never lies. It will tell you very quickly if what you have on, looks hideous. And then if need be, go and change. Don't think for a moment that you can sneak into the grocery store and out again without anyone seeing you. It never works. Someone you know will see you. Always happens.
5) Bad Brows
Unless you have very long bangs, someone will notice if they are over-plucked or have gone untouched for the past 10 years. If you have no idea where to start, consult a professional and then all you have to do is maintenance.
6) Lip Liner Fighting With Lipstick
I have no idea who started the trend of wearing one color of lip liner and another color for the lipstick. That has to be one of the BIGGEST mistakes. Consider what happens if the lipstick disappears, but the liner doesn't. Not a pretty picture.
7) Foundation Mistake

Foundation is supposed to even out your skin tones, not cover everything up. If it looks like a mask, you have put on way too much. Wash it off and start again.
8) The Dreaded White Neck
When you apply foundation, be sure to apply a little to the neck area as well. There is nothing more noticeable than one color for your face and another for your neck.
9) Check It Twice
As much as we would like it to, makeup seldom lasts the entire day. Be sure to check to see if something has disappeared or worse... smeared. 10) What Are You Wearing?
An outfit MIGHT look good in a music video, but chances are, it won't on the street. If in doubt, as for an opinion. Believe me, someone will tell you if you are over the top.
For more information!!

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